How do you reinvent yourself in a new country?

How do you reinvent yourself in a new country?

When you move to a foreign country, this often requires reinventing yourself in a new context. The language, people, culture, ways of interacting, corporate or other work environment will most likely be different from where you came from. Reinventing yourself in a new environment can be daunting at times, however it is also an exhilarating chance to tap into new experiences, to broaden your horizon and give the unimaginable some space and be inspired.

So how do you proceed to reinvent yourself?

Below you will find a few tips on how to start this journey:

  • While unpacking your boxes take some time to reflect on past experiences. What are achievements that you are proud of and which opportunities would interest you?
  • If you had not moved, what would your next step have been professionally?
  • Talk to people that know you well and ask them for personal feedback on your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Make a list of your acquired skills, talents, achievements and missed opportunities, and spend some time thinking about what would make you happiest in your new environment.
  • Take time to explore your new environment, meet new people and make sure your family are settled in and thriving in their new environment.
  • Look around you and explore places that inspire you. Spend time getting to know people you meet, potentially in a new place every new contact could become a friend.
  • Take up activities that inspired you before your move. They will energise you and provide you with the opportunity to meet new people.
  • Explore activities you have always wanted to do, but never had time for. Now you have the time so dive in and thrive.
  • Brush up your Zoom and Teams interview skills, a lot of hiring is being done on line these days.
  • Explore the internet to find out which interesting companies there are in your new environment, that you could approach to make yourself known.
  • Learn how to present your talents in the new context. An American CV is read differently in the Dutch context, and it is worth adjusting it before you approach potential employers.
  • Update your profile on LinkedIn. One of the first things people do when they meet you for the first time is check you out on LinkedIn and you do not want to have an outdated profile.

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Where do you stand?

Do you want to get a quick impression of where you stand in your career and what are your wishes, ambitions and motivations with regard to work and a work environment? Van Ede & Partners has developed a simple test for you. The test contains 12 questions and takes a maximum of 4 minutes to fill out. You will receive the results immediately after doing the test. A percentage will indicate to what extend your needs match the way of working of Van Ede & Partners. 

Test: Where do you stand?